Getting Married
Tweet The bachelor party was a hit. I just want to write something quick about it before I start on the wedding. We went to Treego in Mactaquac NB(click the link to see some treego activities), and I have to say that it was an amazing way to spend a morning. We overcame obstacles - swinging logs in trees, high-wire tight ropes, and zip-lines - and I don't think I could have had more fun. Golf was great. It was one of those times when every shot seems to go right. And, I'm a duff golfer. Or at least that's what I like to call myself. I get a lot of bogies and double bogies and every few holes I really suck. But it was one of those days where I was hitting almost everything straight and long. I had so many chances at par, that I felt good about myself. And that is the amazing thing about golf; you don't have to be good to enjoy yourself. After that it was dark and we started a fire to cook our steaks. My cousin's husband had come along to the golf and dinner ...