Boston, Stanley Cup and Vancouver Riots
Tweet Image by rob.masefield via Flickr For this post I'm using Trebuchet font in honour of the war machine of times gone by. A trebuchet was much like a catapult only it used weight and inertia to move the giant objects it flung. Enough of the History lesson, let's move on to the Stanley Cup finals. I'm a Boston Bruins fan and for me, seeing my team win was one of the best things that could happen this year. Mind you, it doesn't compare to getting married, or getting my first teaching job, scoring my first goal in hockey or many other personal accomplishment, but it is pretty nice. Having said that, I am having a hard time understanding why people would riot in Vancouver after the Canucks lost. Trust me, I'm trying. The act of rioting is serious. People have done it over such large issues as race rights, illegitimate governments, fascist rule, suffrage and the list goes on. I'm not forgetting the history of rioting after sporting events - soccer and hoc...