My Deep Learning Food Challenge

THE START: I’m a teacher and when I sit down to plan my year I always start with the curriculum and ask how I can engage students – through those outcomes - to do meaningful work, creating meaningful products, or to solve real problems. If we want to engage our students and grow their understanding. We need to be rooted in the curriculum and have an understanding of why it matters to our students and to the world at large. That set of skills and that content need to be framed in a way that is engaging, and meaningful. It must exist outside the wall of the school. We need to create connections with students, working and learning alongside them. (Fullan & Langworthy, n.d.) We need to have the skills, the deep roots to help them grow. This will help us to develop deep learning in our clases. To extend this metaphor, we need to have deep roots. Peter Wohllenben’s book, The Hidden Life of Trees gives us an understanding of how these deep roots make conne...