Big Life

Hey Guys. It's been a long time. And yeah, I'm pretending that I actually have people who read this. So what? There might be some, some day.

Today was amazing:

I'd had an amazing day of teaching. My students were great. At the end of classes I looked back on the day and there were some pretty amazing moments. One student was wandering the halls and found a place to stay in my room for a class, while I was on my prep. That student spent the hour writing. It was fantastic. She wanted to be in her English class, writing.

After school, Michelle and I decided to go to Saint John for groceries and tires. On our way there, we were driving across the harbour bridge, in construction and a downpour of rain when we heard a huge ka-thunk! The car jarred; we had hit a monster of a pot-hole. All we could do was sit and listen for wheel noise.

Then it appeared: a quiet, thump, thump, thump. And at that moment neither Michelle nor I got mad. We didn't get worried, upset, or frustrated. We just drove and hoped that we would make it to Costco. Stopping at the lights on Ashburn Lake Rd, we just had to hope that the tire wasn't going flat. When we turned in to the parking lot, I jumped out to see the tire and rim. It was the front driver's side wheel, and it was bent out on the bottom at least an inch and the tire was bulging at the side. We wouldn't be able to drive it home that way. But at least we were at a place that sold tires and rims. Maybe they'd have them in stock. Then we would have to gamble on whether or not they would have time to put them on.

I walked into Costco and I went directly to the tire sales department. Turning the corner, I saw a young woman at the desk. I approached and asked if I could get four tires. I thought I'd start with one problem and work to the next. If they didn't have the tires then I would try for a rim and see if they could just change the tire.

As it turns out they did have the tires. Four Michelin X-Ice. So about the rims?  And no. There were no rims in stock. It was now a young woman and a man behind the desk at the tire department. I asked if they could help me. I explained my situation: tire busted... rim broken... stranded. And I asked if they would call some places to see if they could help me find a rim. The guy got on the phone immediately and called Canadian Tire, who promptly put them on hold and ignored him. So after calling four more places it was down to visiting CT. Canadian Tire was my only hope. The girl behind the desk was done her shift and said she could drive me down. How great is that? So I followed her out to the car and we took a trip down the hill to see if I could find some rims.

When we got there I told her thanks, but she said that she would wait for me to drive me up. I said there was no need but she still stayed. As it turns out, they had four rims. I was so glad that she stayed.

When we got back to Costco, I had four rims and I bought four tires. The best part was that they even had time to put on the tires. That young woman saved my day. I've always felt that I have the best-worst luck in the world. I ruined a tire and a rim, but it was while I was on the way to buy tires. I had help from amazing people and made it through without a problem. All it cost was money.

The same thing happened a year ago when I was getting a flat tire. It didn't go completely flat. What did happen was: I heard the tire hissing and saw that it was nearly flat. I made it to a gas station, where they plugged the tire. But it didn't work. It was still leaking. So we went to Coast Tire. There, they sold me tires and had an appointment open just at the end of the day. It all worked out and I wasn't stranded.

Life has been like that. I have always come through whatever hardship I have faced easily. Not on my own though. Never on my own. I've always had help from amazing people. Those people make this world a better place and I am glad that I get to be here with them.


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