There have been quite a few changes in life this week.  I've been starting to run again, which is something I posted about in my last blog. But, you never can tell when you are going to "start something" and then you find that without realizing it, you've abruptly stopped. I've been learning about Twitter; how to use it mostly. But along with that, I've been revisiting some movies and tv shows that I've already seen. It's been an interesting week so far and it's not done yet.

I've had to make a decision about what I want out of fitness. Do I want to have muscle? Or do I want to have cardio? Some people say that you can have a balance, but I'm finding that hard to believe. When I made the switch from P90X to Insanity, I didn't notice it but I lost a lot of muscle mass. I had been doing over 300 push-ups, but after a month of the Insanity program, I'd lost it. So from there came the realization that I'd actually gotten into the best cardio shape of my life, and from there I decided that I would make a push to accomplish one of my longest held goals: Run a marathon.

Now I know that I won't be able to run one right away. That would be stupid. But I can work toward it, which is something that I've been trying to do for three years. Wow, I can't believe I'm saying that. I've always tried to show my students that they can reach for the stars and set big goals for themselves. But I've had this one for a long time. Why haven't I started? I guess it's because it is the hardest thing I've ever tried to do. So I am going to start with a half-marathon. This summer I am running one. Maybe I'll even be able to run a full one by the end of the summer, but that seems like a bit of a lofty idea.

As for Twitter, I'd always made fun of it and I'm feeling like a bit of a hypocrite. Thinking back to what one of my education profs once said: "It's important to stay on top of what your kids are interested it. You need to stay current." And one day, while making fun of Twitter, I realized that I was being foolish. I wasn't keeping current. I said something unimaginative like: "If it's called twitter, then what do you call the people who use it?" Well, the answer is: "A twit." But I'm now proud to say that I am officially a twit. So is my wife.

I've been trying to start following as many people that interest me as possible. And what has happened is that I have way too many tweets; so much so that I can't possibly follow them all. Not only that but I have people following me that I've never met. I'm assuming that they are watching what I do for some purpose... BIG BROTHER? Or for marketing purposes. I've had a few women start following me, but they appear to be mostly interested in promoting sex sites. What is it with the internet and sex? There is no need to track me down and see if I want to join a site. I'm sure they are quite easy to find, should the urge strike. But mostly, I've found Twitter to be educational. I've learned that Edward Norton is doing a lot of charity work and that is cool. I've also learned that maple syrup is good for you. These are good things to know.

As for looking at movies I've seen before, I guess sometimes it's nice to go back and see things from a different perspective. You can always gain knowledge from seeing something again, and there are new connections to be made with other texts (written and visual) that you hadn't known before. So I bought Harry Potter and the Half Blood on Blu-ray. Watching the special features and the movie again, I've been able to enjoy a movie that I was disappointed with, when I saw it in theatres. It really is entertaining and well put together. I also bought the first season of LOST. I want to watch it again to see if it is as good as I originally thought. The character named John Locke is a direct reference to a political philosopher from the 17th century and I want to see why they gave him that name. I couldn't make the connection before, as Locke  believed that people naturally knew right from wrong and the only purpose for law was to preserve our natural liberty. How that relates to LOST, I must know. If anyone has insight, I'd love to hear it.

Anyway, that's it for me for now. I need to do some marking, and continue to watch The Half-blood Prince. I hope you reach for the stars. I'm going to try to keep running. OHHH. I've finished reading another book. That makes 8 this year.
J Standring
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