The Changes We Make to Get Better

There are so many things that have happened in my life since my last post. I've been married for over half a year, and have put on another successful play. I've seen more movies; most of which were terrible. But I have developed a fondness for a few new things and am re-devoting myself to some others:
1) Running: I have reset my fitness goals and plan to run my first half-marathon in 8 weeks. It's now April 2nd and I'll let you know how it works out. I did 8.5 miles today and it felt good.

2) Reading: I am keeping track of the books I've read on Facebook this year. Emptying my otherwise useless collection of information about the books I've read in my life and filling area of my "info" section may just prove to be useful. I've read 5 books so far this year and I am half-way through 2 more - I am Number 4 and Nocturnes.
3)Snowshoeing: My wife and I began snowshoeing together and we found  a winter sport that she can handle. She's a city girl and I'm definitely a country boy. I enjoy the woods and I worried that there would be nothing that we could share. Luckily, as we walked out into some fresh powdery snow and felt the sun on our faces, I know that it would be okay. We followed deer trails, and walked to the edge of a clearing, to look out over the world below us. We saw the lake below us and in the distance, Lake Utopia. It's such a beautiful place. Afterward, when we'd made it back home, she immediately blogged about it: Carpe Diem is the name of her blog.
4) Musicianship: Years ago I'd tried to be a musician. It kind of worked. What I mean is that I played music and people listened, but I didn't make any money. My friends and I had played together for years and recorded a CD. We felt like real musicians, but we'd only played two shows and none of them payed.
So really what did we accomplish? Recording a CD that no one listened to, and getting no money for our work. That was about it, and despite people telling us to continue... We gave up.
Well, now is the time to get back on track and after 5 years of not working toward a goal, we are going to see if we can actually make a few dollars doing what we love: playing loud rock music.
Some people say that rock is dying. Some say it's dead already. But since that is what we have, whether dead, dying or not, we are going to keep going with it... Beating a dead horse.

Sometimes that's okay though. Sometimes you just have to keep going because if you don't, then you will be giving up what you love. Even worse, you will be giving up on a dream. We need our dreams.
I dream of running a marathon and I'm going to start on that path. I dream of playing live music for people and I hope that we can make this thing work.
Our live are short. Go out and see the world. Follow deer paths to beautiful forest clearings and make yourself a better person. I know that I'll always be trying.

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