Shin splints and on-line contests

"My attempt at living" has given me a lot of time to be introspective about what I learn through the weeks. This week, my mind has been on a trip that I am planning with students for March Break of 2012. It is set for us to go to Rome and Paris and I want to make sure that I get enough kids.

But our minds never stay in one place... or at least mine doesn't. So I've also been thinking about why I started this blogs, shin-splints and online contests.

So first things first. I started this blog to talk about how I am trying to live my life the best I can. I want to accomplish things. I want to leave this world a better place than when I found it. I want to make a contribution. And today I judged an Elementary School Drama Festival. Somehow, in the course of my career as a teacher I became the Theatre Arts guy. I teach Theatre Arts. I don't have special training for it. I just used theatre in my classroom as a teaching tool for years and someone gave me a shot at teaching Theatre. I enjoy it. And I enjoyed today. I received a hug from a young boy whom I complimented at the end of his play for being absolutely committed to bowing low while playing the character of a court squire. The boy was into his part and gave it his all on each bow, so I told him so and gave him an award for dedication to his part. For this small gesture of acknowledgment, he hugged me. This little boy hugged me and my heart broke... I think that is the best way to describe it. My heart opened up and I felt this little boy's joy. I knew that my day couldn't get better after that. So for me, that is what this blog is about. It is about trying to live a great life. If that means that I write about fitness goals, or what I learn about technology, or my own accomplishments then that is great. But I have to say that I think that attempting to live a great life is really about impacting others' lives.

While I'm writing about other people's lives - I have t write about my runs with my sister. We are training for a half-marathon together. For me, it means that I get to spend a lot of time with her and that is great. The story of our relationship is a long one, but I think it can be summed up in a few words from my parents:

When asked about how my sister was raised they say, "Your brother raised you. He would go into your bedroom and pull you out of the crib, dragging you across the top bar. Then he'd get you dress, make you breakfast and get you ready to go out the door to the babysitters."

For me, that has always been a point of pride. I don't remember it. I'm not sure it actually happened. But I think I recall bits. Anyway, I've always felt close to her. So running with her is great. It has, however, taught me that running at a slower pace can cause shin-splints. The thing is that my sister runs a bit slower than I do. So I keep her pace and because of that, my feel clomp on the ground and I have a hard time keeping a smooth stride. The extra impact is causing my muscle to pull away from my shin. It's a little disgusting to think about. But it is something that I'm dealing with. And to be honest, I'd rather have a small case of shin-splints than run by myself. It's nice to have that time to hear about her life.

Finally, my wife asked me to enroll in an online contest and so I did. It was for a trip to 3 different European cities. For me to win, I have to get more votes than all others. It is with KLM.
IF you are reading this, please take the time to vote for my story. It's on facebook, and it asks for permission as an application, but I'd still appreciate the vote:


  1. Shin splints eh? I better pick up the pace! Try and keep up...Lol


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